Fly Now, Pay Later
Buy your flights online 24/7 to the Philippines


Payment Methods, Prices/Surcharges

Travel Documents (VISA, Passport)

Reservations Cancellations

Online Check-in

Travel Well

Insurance, Vaccines

Payment Methods, Prices, Surcharges

Quels sont les modes de paiement d’un billet d’avion?

You can now pay online

  • In full by bank cards thanks to our partner PayBox
  • In 4 times thanks to our partner FloaBank (see conditions)

All payments are made at the agency with our team. You can pay:

  • in installments
  • in cash
  • by bank cards (MasterCard, Credit Card and AMEX)
  • by bank card remotely (V.A.D)
  • by check, employer check, holiday vouchers
  • by transfer

Si je paye en plusieurs fois, tous les paiement doivent-ils se faire avant le voyage?

The first payment by credit card must be made before the trip. The remaining balance will be automatically credited every month regardless of whether the trip has already taken place or not.

Puis-je payer le premier paiement en espèces?

No. The first payment must be made by Carte Bleue (MasterCard, VISA, Maestro Electron).

Un ami, un membre de ma famille ou un tiers peut-il régler le paiement?

Yes. Payments can be made by a third party provided that a letter of exemption and authorization is provided.

Y a-t-il des frais lorsqu’on paye en plusieurs fois?

Yes. There is a fixed additional fee of 5% paid in full only once.

Le Paiement en Plusieurs Fois est-il sécurisé?

Yes, our partnership with Sofinco, a commercial brand of Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance, ensures secure collection of Multiple Payments.

Est-il possible de payer en plusieurs fois ? Comment?

Yes. Our motto since 2000 is: “Fly now, Pay later!”. You can pay in installments in 3 or 4 installments maximum. The process is simple:

  • You pay the amount of the 1st payment (¼ of the total) with your bank card at the agency on the same day you purchase the ticket.
  • You sign a Multiple Payment – SOFINCO credit contract as well as a direct debit mandate.
  • You submit the supporting documents:
    • a Bank Identity Statement (RIB)
    • National Identity Card (CNI), residence permit or French passport

Quand se fait le prélèvement automatique?

Every 28 days from the day of ticket purchase Ex: Date of purchase: January 20, 2018. Sofinco automatically collects every 20th of the month until full payment.

Pourquoi le prix d’un même voyage peut-il être très élevé selon les périodes?

There are low and high seasons throughout the year. In the Philippines, the high season is in July, August (summer holidays) and from December 20 to 30 (Christmas, New Year).

Des taxes supplémentaires sont-ils à prévoir lors de la réservation d’un vol?

No. But a tax increase linked to exchange rates can influence the increase in the booking price.

Puis-je choisir mon siège lors de la réservation?

Yes and no. It all depends on the airline. If it is not possible, you must check in online.

Si je réserve mon billet, le tarif reste-t-il le même?

Not necessarily. A reservation is not a purchase. The price can be influenced by external circumstances: tax increase and airline pricing strategy. If you want the ticket price to be the same as when you booked, you must purchase the plane ticket on the same day you booked.

Comment vais-je recevoir mon billet?

By email, by mail or directly at the agency. Our agent will provide you with an electronic ticket with the details of your trip (dates, boarding times, stopovers, baggage weight limit, etc.)

Les personnes handicapées ou à mobilité réduite (PMR) peuvent-ils recevoir une assistance personnalisée?

Yes. We can make a special request for assistance for a disabled person to the airline (wheelchairs, etc.). This service is free.

Des frais supplémentaires sont-ils à prévoir lors de la réservation d’un vol?

No. There are no additional fees when booking. Everything is included in the booking price.

Qui contacter en cas de questions ou si je souhaite changer mon vol?

Please send an email to our customer service: For any emergency, please specify it in the subject of the email. Or you can directly contact Mr. Boualem Fentrouci either by email or at the travel agency 01 40 50 60 61

Y a-t-ils des frais supplémentaires en cas d’erreur dans le nom du passager et celui-ci doit être modifiée?

Yes and penalties are the passenger’s responsibility. Additional costs depend on the airline.

Travel documents

Quels documents dois-je présenter pour voyager?

  • For French nationals, you must present a French passport valid for 6 months after your return.
  • For people of Filipino or other nationality, you must present a Philippine passport valid for 6 months after return and a valid residence permit during the trip.

Je suis philippin et je veux voyager en dehors de l’Europe et des Philippines (Etats-Unis, Canada..)

You must apply for a VISA. We advise you to contact the embassy of the country of your destination directly for any information.

Je suis né en France avec la nationalité philippine. A partir de mes 13ans, j’ai fait une demande de nationalité française. Je veux voyager aux Philippines pendant plus de 1 mois?

  • Is my Philippine passport still valid?
    • No. French nationality takes priority and your Philippine passport is no longer valid. To make it valid, you must apply for dual nationality, but this is only possible from the age of 18.
  • If I am traveling with my Filipino parents and for more than 1 month, do I need a VISA?
    • You do not need a VISA. The Philippine Embassy has developed a “Balikbayan” system that will give you a VISA valid for 1 year on site.
  • if I travel alone and for more than a month?
    • You must apply for a VISA at the Philippine Embassy.

Je suis français et j’aimerais aller aux Philippines, ai-je besoin d’un VISA?

It is possible to go to the Philippines without a VISA within 30 days. Beyond 30 days, you must apply at the Philippine Embassy. For more details on the fee and application procedures, please visit the embassy website directly.

Mon enfant mineur va voyager aux Philippines mais je ne peux pas l’accompagner. Peut-il(elle) voyager seul en sécurité?

Yes. When booking the plane ticket, you must register him/her as an unaccompanied minor. Depending on his/her age and the airline, an adult accompanying him/her may assist him/her throughout the flight from departure to arrival. (N.B. This service may or may not be charged depending on the airline). In order to secure the unaccompanied minor’s trip, parents must provide the contact details (name, first name, telephone number, address) of the person who will take him/her to the Paris airport and who will pick him/her up in Manila.

Je suis philippin et j’aimerais voyager en Europe, ai-je besoin d’un VISA?

In the Schengen area, you do not need a VISA, only a valid residence permit. Outside the Schengen area (London, etc.), you must apply for a VISA.

Mon enfant mineur va voyager seul. Quels sont documents de voyage à préparer?

  • A file must be put together including:
    • A certificate of authorization from both parents to leave the territory (AST) for a minor.
    • A photocopy of the passport of both parents or persons with parental authority attached to the file.

    In the case of a French couple: If the parents are divorced, in principle, the child can travel with only one of his parents without the express authorization of the other. But if the divorce judgment contains a Ban on leaving the territory (IST) without authorization from both parents, you must ask the police station for a temporary lifting Good to know: check nevertheless that the destination country does not require the authorization of both parents, on the country sheets of the site In the case of a Filipino couple, as divorce is not authorized, if one of the parents has abandoned the child, the non-responsible parent must write a letter proving the abandonment of the child.

Reservations / Cancellations

Puis-je faire une demande de devis?

Generally, we do not offer quotes (except in exceptional cases, deadline within 24 hours) because the prices are scalable subject to availability. We only offer immediate offers to be seized either at the agency or on the website

Quelle est la durée de validité de ma réservation?

From 24 hours to 72 hours

Si j’ai dépassé le délai, même d’un jour, ai-je toujours ma réservation?

No. Your reservation is automatically cancelled. You must make a new reservation. In this case, we do not guarantee the same rates or availability of places on the dates originally planned.

Comment réserver un billet d’avion?

You can book your ticket either at the agency or online (

  1. At the agency: Passport is required for the following reasons:
    • Identity verification
    • Correct spelling
    • Validity of passports
  2. Online: Please have your passport ready to enter your personal details. Our team will send you an email confirming your booking. All bookings require a commitment within 72 hours in the form of a minimum deposit that varies depending on the file.

Peut-on acheter un billet d’avion sur le site?

No. All airline ticket purchases are made directly at the travel agency. See question 1 for the different payment methods.

L’assurance est-elle incluse dans le billet d’avion?

No. Our rates include airport tax, but without insurance. Insurance is an independent service of the airline and the travel agency.

Quand est-ce que je peux avoir mon billet d’avion?

Immediately upon purchase. Please note that we advise our customers to check the details before confirming the reservation (see errors/modification sections).

Y a-t-il un délai d’achat pour confirmer ma réservation?

Yes, it depends on the airline. When you book, ask your agent what the deadline is for confirming your reservation.

Puis-je souscrire une assurance pour mon vol?

Yes, but it is not mandatory. However, we strongly advise our clients to take out insurance in case of incident (cancellation, illness, etc.). We offer “Presence” insurance for all destinations. The price depends on the duration of your trip and the price of the ticket. For more details, please contact the agency by mail.

Mon billet est-il modifiable ou échangeable?

Yes, with penalty.

Si mon billet n’est pas remboursable, puis-je l’échanger/le modifier?

It all depends on the conditions of purchase and the validity period of your plane ticket. If the conditions allow the exchange, you can only change the departure and return dates of your trip within the validity period of the ticket.

Comment puis-je confirmer mon vol réservé en ligne?

All confirmation requires payment and is done either:

  • by email upon receipt of your itinerary details (ViewTrip), you can
  • by phone
  • at the agency

Je ne veux plus voyager, quel est le délai d’annulation de mon billet d’avion?

Vous avez une semaine pour annuler votre billet d’avion avant votre départ. Attention, il y a des frais d’annulation dont le prix varie selon la compagnie aérienne.

Est-ce que je peux réserver mon vol en ligne? Est-ce gratuit ou payant?

Yes, you can book your flight online and it’s free! We recommend our clients to make their flight reservations directly on our website: it’s quick and easy. Our team will send you a confirmation email. You can contact us by email, phone or visit the agency to verify the details of the trip.

Il y a une erreur sur ma réservation et j’ai déjà confirmé mon billet. Que dois-je faire?

If there is an error in the personal details and/or itinerary details, any changes will be accompanied by additional costs at your expense. See chapter (changes and penalties) subject to the conditions.

Mon billet est-il remboursable?

There are 2 types of airline tickets: refundable and non-refundable. When purchasing your ticket, you can ask and check with your agent the conditions of your tickets.

Si je réserve, est-ce que ça signifie que j’ai mon billet?

No. A reservation counts as a quote. To get your ticket, you must confirm your reservation which is done by payment.

Online Check-in

Comment puis-je m’enregistrer pour mon vol?

Traditionally, the travel agency would do the check-in for you. But airlines and travel agencies have come up with a faster and easier way: online check-in. Please refer to the question “Online Check-in” for more details.

Pourquoi devrais-je m’enregistrer en ligne?

To save time and prepare for your flight simply! Online check-in is simple and can be done anywhere with all airlines of the company. Check your airline’s flight website for more details.

Cela semble difficile … Comment ça marche?

  • Don’t worry! “Wag ka maalala!” For all airlines of the company, there are 2 options to check in online.

    1. Across the site
      • Just visit your airline’s airline website and go to the “Check-in” section. Go to the “Check-in” section. Enter your booking reference number or other identification information depending on the airlines of the company, follow the procedure step by step.
    2. via the mobile application
      • Download the mobile app of the airline of your choice. Check in on your smartphone and download your boarding pass. This way, you will have everything at your fingertips!

Comment s’enregistrer à l’aéroport?

Simply display your boarding pass barcode on your device screen at the security checkpoint and when boarding your flight, and you’re on your way. Check-in is available 24 hours before your scheduled departure.

Quelle est l’utilisation de l’enregistrement en ligne?

Via the Internet, you can confirm your presence on a flight and print your own boarding passes. Depending on the carrier and flight, you can also enter details such as meal options and baggage amounts, and then select your preferred seat.

Je voyage avec ou sans bagage. Puis-je quand même m’enregistrer en ligne?

If you do not have checked baggage, you can check in online, get your boarding pass and proceed directly to the gate. If you have checked baggage, please drop off your baggage at the kiosk bag drop before check-in closes.

Est-il préférable de s’enregistrer en ligne ou à l’aéroport?

We always recommend checking in online as early as possible. Travellers using scheduled airlines can ask the baggage transfer agent to print the boarding pass. Most scheduled airlines have an online check-in service that opens 24 hours before the departure time.

Puis-je m’enregistrer en ligne si j’ai un sac à enregistrer?

Yes of course! Just go to the counter

Puis-je imprimer ma carte d’embarquement en ligne?

With online check-in, you can print your boarding pass before the airport or use the mobile boarding passes of the airline of your choice. So you will only need to use the kiosk or counter if you have luggage to check in.

Travel Well (General Information, Luggage, Tips, Departure Times)

Qui est Eliza?

“Eliza” is the first name of the founder and manager of the travel agency “Eliza les Ailes du Voyage”. In 2000, Eliza Fentrouci and her husband, Boualem Fentrouci, a French-Filipino couple, created the first travel agency specializing in the Philippines in Paris, in the 16th arrondissement, in order to offer advantageous prices to the Philippines to everyone and especially to the Filipino community based in Paris. Click here to listen to the story and journey of Eliza and Boualem: x

Mais, c’est plus cher en agence de voyage qu’en ligne?

Not always! Sometimes it is even cheaper than on the internet, for example low-cost tickets, whose attractive starting price will be increased by the addition of luggage (luggage is never included in the starting price of a low-cost flight). See above the advantages of booking in a travel agency and below online.

Quel est mon intérêt de réserver en ligne?

Booking online is above all practical and fast. Especially if you know how to use the web tool and read the hidden information. Here are some tips to avoid unpleasant surprises:

  • Double check the spelling of your first and last name. It must be written as it is on your identity documents. Any changes will be penalized.
  • Read the hidden information carefully: the administration fees, the price of baggage (not included in the starting price of a low-cost flight).
  • Book early in the morning to benefit from advantageous prices.
  • Try not to book with the same computer that you used to look up your flights, because although this practice is prohibited, websites can remember your search and your IP address and therefore increase prices.
      Our website works like a catalog or a showcase on our different offers. It will give you an idea of the prices of plane tickets but be careful, the prices displayed are the call prices. Finally, via the website, you can make a reservation request by simply filling out the pre-reservation document. Our team will receive your reservation email and will respond to you with the best offers in the form of quotes before confirming the reservation.


Eliza les Ailes du Voyage et “visit-philippines” sont-ils la même entité?

Yes! When we opened the agency in 2000, we were advised to open a domain name for our website. As Eliza les Ailes du Voyage is quite long, we opted for a shorter, simpler name in English in order to address the international market.

Pourquoi y a-t-il tout de même une légère différence de prix en agence et en ligne?

This difference is justified by the advantages listed above, especially since the travel agent does not receive a personal commission. Thus, we value the quality of the commercial service to offer you a positive and unforgettable experience.

Comment rechercher un vol sur le site?

Using the flight search bar you can select:

  • Departure and arrival destinations
  • Departure and return dates

Quel est mon intérêt d’acheter un vol en agence de voyage?

Our team of experts is here to help! Despite the technology, we still value human contact. Our mission is to simplify your booking process, offer assistance before and during the trip in case of emergencies and give you the best advice for a successful trip and give you a taste of your future trip. Here is a list of benefits when you book through a travel agency (credits to: Travelling With Annabelle) The benefits:

  • Physical and sometimes personalized welcome depending on the client.
  • Get expert advice on travel to the Philippines.
  • Benefit from personalized advice from an expert who knows the Philippines, hotels, attractions through personal experience or customer feedback.
  • Information on formalities and necessary vaccinations.
  • Possibility of special requests (transport for disabled people, or specific meals on the plane).
  • Possibility of blocking your flight or your stay in certain cases for 2/3 days, if you are not sure of your dates for example.
  • Secure booking and payments (sometimes with the possibility of paying in several installments if it is a package trip with a departure date generally more than 6 months).
  • Explanation of the various travel insurance policies offered.
  • Tracking of the reservation before and during the trip.
  • Assistance during the trip (in case of schedule changes, loss of luggage, overbooking, etc.)
  • Assistance during the trip (in case of schedule changes, loss of luggage, overbooking, etc.)

Combien coûtent les frais de dossier en ligne?

Yes. The confirmation document indicates the total price, taxes and administration fees (approximately 15 euros)

Combien de bagages en soute puis-je emporter?

The number and total weight of baggage allowed in the cabin depends on your airline. Some airlines offer per piece or per kilo. For example, with Saudi Airlines, per adult and per child (from 2 years old), you can take 2 pieces of 23 kilos each. For more details on the weight limit and rules regarding content, you can contact the travel agency directly.

Combien de bagages à main puis-je emporter à bord?

In addition to your checked baggage, you can take 1 personal accessory with a weight limit of 7kg, with maximum dimensions of 40 x 30 x 15 cm. You can carry the following:

  • 1 handbag
  • or 1 bag
  • or 1 bag for laptop, camera or any other electronic device

Je voyage avec un bebe (enfants de moins de 2 ans)

If your child has their own seat, they can carry the number of bags allowed by their ticket. If they are travelling on your lap, you can check in for them: see conditions depending on the airline you are travelling with.

Combien de temps dois-je être à l’aéroport avant le vol?

For international flights, we recommend arriving at the airport 3 hours before your departure time to check in.

À quelle heure dois-je être à l’aéroport pour les vols intérieurs aux Philippines?

For domestic flights, you must be at the airport at least 90 minutes before your flight departs. Manila Airport (MNL) has long been at capacity.

Que faites-vous à l’aéroport si vous vous enregistrez en ligne?

Arrive at the airport early and don’t forget to bring your smartphone or printed boarding passes. Traveling with carry-on luggage only? Then bypass check-in and go straight to security as usual. If you’re checking bags, you can go directly to your airline’s baggage drop-off points.


L’assurance est-elle incluse dans le billet d’avion?

No. Our rates include airport taxes but do not include insurance. Insurance is a service independent of the airline and the agency.

Puis-je acheter une assurance chez vous, pour mon voyage?

Yes, but it is not mandatory. However, we strongly recommend our clients to purchase insurance in case of incidents (cancellations, illnesses, etc.). We offer “Presence” insurance for any destination. The price depends on the length of your stay and the price of the ticket. For more details, please contact the agency by email.

Je voyage aux Philippines. Y a-t-il des vaccins obligatoires à faire?

Vaccinations are not mandatory. But we strongly advise travelers visiting the Philippines to get the necessary vaccinations and take insurance.

Proposez-vous des services spéciaux pour personnes handicapées?

Yes. We can make a special request for assistance for disabled people from the airline. (wheelchair, etc.) This service is free.

Offrez-vous des promotions aux personnes âgés dites seniors?


Pour les Mineurs? Enfants?

No. We offer adult fare discounts of 67-75% only for children aged 2-11. Please contact the travel agency directly for more details.